Friday, 26 January 2018

#425 The handwriting assessment

It was 11:58am. I'd been keen to get a good night's sleep the night before and as such had gone to bed ridiculously early... which had the opposite effect of rendering me unable to sleep because I just lay there thinking about sleeping. Still, I had my pen and notepad ready. I'd dialed into the conference call and I sat waiting for the assessment to begin.

While I was waiting for the assessment to start, I listened to then news that was being piped down the phone line instead of holding music. I checked my phone and my email. Then I looked back at the clock. It was 12:02. The assessment should've started two minutes ago. Maybe they were running late. I held on for a while longer.

At 12:04, I had a huge sinking feeling that maybe the news being read over the phone was actually the assessment itself. I hurriedly started writing it down. I'd be starting four minutes late but I was sure that if I explained what had happened, they'd understand.

The newsreader was speaking like a runaway train. I had no hope of capturing all of what was being said. For some stories, I only just managed to write out the headline and a brief summary. I did my best though and ended up filling three sheets of paper, until eventually, after twenty five minutes, the call cut out. Still feeling slightly puzzled, I gathered up the pages and emailed them through to the address provided. Then I went out and got some lunch.

In the afternoon, I decided to give the agency a call as I hadn't heard anything. I also wanted to explain what had happened. It turned out that the assessment time had been wrong. It had actually been held at 10:30am. I'd written down three pages of piped news instead of the mock lecture, which had long since finished.

Fortunately, the agency was impressed with my handwriting and my ability to record essential information at speed. They agreed to send me through an email detailing what to do next. Relieved, I screwed up the three pages of notes and binned them. I then headed straight to my inbox, found the latest email, clicked the link and got started on the next stage of the process.

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