Last week, I decided to start blogging daily. For a month. As a trial run. A couple of things prompted it. The first was that I'd been getting more views and wanted to see what effect it would have. The second was that I thought it might make me a better writer.
I was pretty much certain the views weren't real as it was common knowledge that the stats weren't reliable but I still liked to see the graph line going up.
I was pretty much certain the views weren't real as it was common knowledge that the stats weren't reliable but I still liked to see the graph line going up.
A month probably wouldn't make much difference but if it was sustainable, I could continue. I'd get a year's worth of posts written in a sixth of the time. Six years' worth of posts in twelve months.
Would the quality suffer? Ha. Quality. It was an amateur blog. What? Was I worried I wouldn't win an Oscar or something? Winning an Oscar for a blog was about as likely as getting anything else for it. Besides, in the long-term, the quality might even improve. If it worked. If I kept it up.
The odds were against me. I mean, writing a post every day? It's not like I even did anything worth writing about. What the hell was I going to come up with? That was the fun part though.
I'd been telling myself since I started writing the damn thing that I could write about anything.
Cardboard, for example.
I could write about cardboard. Not today though. Today was about the start of a month of daily blogging.
Cardboard would have to wait for another day.
I could hardly wait.
I hope you do blog daily!
Cardboard is cool. I like weather too.
I often find the news or opinion posts in the news sites get me thinking, and then writing. Some do, and some don't.
Yeah that's true. There was a week when I wrote something on Medium every day and in the evenings I used to walk up to the station because they always have a stack of free newspapers there. There was usually something in them that I felt like writing about.
The headlines are so much bulshit these days. It makes me wonder if a person could publish a newspaper which was more real and uplifting and whether people would read it.
You could, and they would.
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