Thursday, 25 January 2018

#424 Applying to go back to uni

In the weeks running up to Christmas, it occurred to me that it might be possible to find work in a communications slash marketing team and that I might well enjoy such a role if it involved lots of writing. I spent the next few weeks surveying the recruitment landscape with these sorts of jobs in mind and got a fairly good feel for where they might come from.

Having established a relatively workable list of sources, I could now turn my mind to other things, providing I continued to keep an eye out for entry-level comm.s jobs that involved lots of writing and didn't require years of experience in just such a team. Even if I did manage to find one, it was by no means guaranteed that I'd get it. This week, therefore, I had a browse to suss out what other types of temp work I could find that involved writing.

One advert caught my eye almost straight away. It was for an academic note taker. This would involve going to various lectures and making comprehensible notes for a student who was unable to do so. I was immediately drawn to this because I'd known for a long time that one of my favourite parts to any job was to go to talks and then write about them and here was a role that would let me do that all the time. I got quite excited.

I sent an application through and received an email response later in the afternoon listing a choice of assessment times. They'd give a mock lecture over the phone and I'd have to capture it by hand as a way of testing my note-taking abilities. This also sounded fun and I selected one of the available slots. I then found myself clicking my inbox several times throughout the day to check for confirmation. Hopefully the speaker wouldn't speak too speedily.


Fizzfan said...

This sounds like a dream job for you. Fingers crossed it went well:)

Profound Familiarity said...

Cheers :)

The application process seems to be going well so far.

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