Friday 8 September 2017

#244 Feeling the temperature change

I liked how September felt. The change in air temperature always brought about a nostalgic feeling, probably because it was when I'd started school as a kid. Hardly the highlight of the year but a distinct, memorable time nonetheless. Only now there was no organisation to go back to after the summer. For the first time since I was four years old, September had come and I was completely uninstitutionalised.

As liberating as it'd been to take time out, I wanted to get some expert help with the next steps, so this morning, I started looking at career coaches. The first thing I noticed was that the only two coaches with Google ratings had solid five star reviews from all respondents. Those had to be engineered. This was the internet. No fair-sized group of people would all rate something perfectly unless they'd been paid off or were attached at the hip to the business owner. I decided to check out some other pages.

Getting an idea of prices wasn't straightforward. Some coaches hadn't even listed their fees. I assumed it must because they were fatter than your mamma. In the end, I found a coach who looked well-qualified and had enough self-esteem not to hide her fees or stuff her Google ratings full of silicone. I'd also received a couple of good recommendations to look into.

I decided to put together some typical career info. My likes, dislikes, personality and work history. I wanted to be prepared, so I could focus on getting from a coach only the kind of guidance that I wouldn't be able to work out for myself. I'd still need to carry on making applications and attend interviews after seeing the coach but I wanted the process to give me an edge. That way when next September came around, there'd be somewhere I wanted to go back to.


Running on empty said...

Hope it works out!

Profound Familiarity said...


Fizzfan said...

It'll be interesting to see how it works out. If she can give you insights you hadn't been aware of before.
Keep us posted :)
Oh and good lick!

Fizzfan said...

Bugger! that was luck of course;)

Running on empty said...

Yeah, sure, Fizz, ;) ;)

Profound Familiarity said...

Ladies, I like to keep this blog pure and innocent, please control yourselves :)

Running on empty said...

For real?

Running on empty said...

Ok, I will stop commenting until I find out .