Tuesday, 9 August 2016

#161 Data processing

"Sorry to bother you" said a guy wearing a pink tshirt as I walked into the canteen yesterday. He didn't seem sorry enough. "Have you heard of Yo Yo Pay? The app that lets you leave your wallet at home?" He asked. I shrugged in a way that hopefully emphasised how little I cared. Sometimes less is more.

Unfortunately the meme had found its way onto the cashiers' chests too and into their mouths. They're usually so authentic and pleasant. I'm currently searching for a cure for succeptibility to marketing. If I find one, I'll share details here in the blog.

Fortunately, the Yo Yo Pay sales pitch wasn't the only information that the world decided to share with me recently. At Kev's wedding, I received some free advice from Cookie and Sarah on dealing with uncertainty during the first few dates with someone new. I'm not sure if it'll pay off but it can't be any less helpful than their advice on dancing.

Handling the various pieces of information that are thrown at us every day can be difficult sometimes but it can also be one of the joys of modern life. Discovering something new. Sharing an amusing anecdote with a friend.

It increasingly feels like we're given more and more information and less and less time to process it. I especially noticed this after recently turning thirty two.

As a child, I often used to sit idly when travelling on a train or bus. As my hair gets thinner and my belly gets thicker, I'm more inclined to want to spend that time writing a blog post, or a note of things to do. Processing information, to make the time count, even in a small way. 

1 comment

Unknown said...

Excellent - I had time to read it!