Wednesday, 13 September 2017

#249 Volunteering at Alexander Devine in Windsor

I couldn't tell you what got me out of bed this morning. The reasons were there. I had to get my ass to East Dulwich for 9am and then up to Maidenhead for midday. None of that meant much as I'd laid there at 2:30am the night before, listening to various people on the floor above making the kind of noises that awake people made. After turning in at around midnight the past few days, I'd hoped for an early night.

I'd been dreading trying to get through the day on four hours' shut-eye. Every possible negative outcome from sleep deprivation had danced in front of me like a mobile above a baby's cot. I'd be too grumpy to be nice to people. Too exhausted to contribute. What was the point in showing up if I couldn't function?

My friend and I had been cancelling on each other for a while. She'd been so busy that to see her, I'd agreed to help at a night market in Windsor for the hospice she worked for. She hadn't been bluffing when she'd suggested I spend the weekend working with her. They always needed people. So she'd be stuck with a tired me for 48 hours.

I did get up and caught the train out to Maidenhead. We then drove into Windsor. It looked like the Queen was home. Beyond the grey clouds and drizzle, we could just make out her flag fluttering on its mast at the castle. The morning went ok. I normally found four hours' sleep easier to deal with than six. Something to do with the REM cycles.

I'd stocked up on food for the evening and stashed it in my rucksack. I wasn't sure I'd get a chance to leave the market stall for long. Four more volunteers showed up. We put up a tent and arranged the wares inside an hour. Now all that was left was to stand around waiting for the public to show an interest.


Fizzfan said...

Sleeps an illusive little gremlin, especially when you're worrying about not getting any.
Hopefully the fresh experience and company will stop you nodding off. Maybe should've taken a knapsack;)(sorry)
I'll be really interested to know how it all pans out.....

Running on empty said...

Yes, is there a part 2 ?

Profound Familiarity said...

Knapsack uhhuhhuhhuh :) :)

Profound Familiarity said...

Yes, stay tuned for part 2, it'll be up tomorrow.

Running on empty said...

Ok, please explain joke to the Aussie.

Running on empty said...

Ok, delete request, I just got it.

Profound Familiarity said...
