Sunday, 7 July 2013

#25 Tea for two

Cookie decided that it was about time we met up for lunch again, a ritual he started by shouting me a meal several years back, as an appeasement for dating my sister. Don't ever tell him that I was actually perfectly happy that the two of them had gotten together.

~Paraphrasing~ "My train gets in at two thirty. We can go for afternoon tea". I called the Kingsway Hall hotel and booked a table. I have a habit of taking casual remarks literally. I have to say, having never swapped my steak for cake before, it was a lot of fun. The immaculately cut sandwiches, the scones and the variety of desserts. I think that if restaurants offered a selection of smaller bits of all of their puddings on the menu, people would go for it and it might help to satisfy some indecisive people.

The tea seems to help to balance things out and we went for the champagne option, which was kind of cool. There are a lot of deals available so it turned out to be pretty easy on the wallet and the scones were "all you can eat" so we asked the guy to bring over another round. We had to go for a pint before and afterwards to make sure we were both still playing for the team. I went for an orange juice and lemonade for the second pint. Whatever. I still wear socks with shorts. I know who I am.

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