Friday, 26 February 2016

#143 Hundreds of chalets

I was pleased. It was Thursday morning, I'd just gotten on a train and now I could spend the next hour and fourteen minutes just sitting there while the world flew by at 70mph.

The high points of the last twenty four hours at a work conference in Centre Parcs had been getting lost trying to find my villa and observing the small similarities of the resort to the ones that I went to when I was growing up.

Whenever I go somewhere new, I walk around and get a bit lost. I wanted to find my way to the villa, not the map's way. You can't find the map's way. It's already been found.

Centre Parcs was one of the places where I'd had some of my most fun times as a kid with my family. Now I was revisiting it in a smart casual dress code for training exercises and small talk. Still, it made a change from a regular day in the office.

I'd go back there. Not to Woburn. maybe Nottingham or Cambridge as they're larger forests. No keys, no cars, no wifi code. The villas are warm and tidy. There are trees everywhere. It seems like a nice place to spend a few days. I always liked the large L-shaped sofas too.