Saturday, 13 July 2013

#26 Half way there

Well here it is. Entry twenty six. The half way point. You know, writing a successful blog isn't all fun and games. It's... no, why would we back-track on that? It's about... what? What do you mean this isn't a successful... where's your... Where's your blog? Where's your blog? Asshole. I think he's gone. It's about coming up with a variety of topics on a regular basis, making the time to write and dealing with the praise and the criticism that goes with it.

Over the past six months, I've learned: That I can at least half-keep a new year's resolution, which of my friends, family and acquaintances will read this each week and that starting with a blank page every weekend, I am most inclined to write creatively, philosophically and about food, in roughly equal portions. 

Despite the sparse presentation and patently concise updates, this is a growing blog. According to Blogger's stats, the number of page views has increased steadily every single month since the blog's inception, with the majority of page views coming from the UK, followed by the US, Russia, Australia, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Brazil and France.

I am proud to announce that my readers prefer Chrome over I.E. and Microsoft over Apple.

Thank you.

1 comment

Running on empty said...

And here's another from Australia