Monday 27 November 2017

#325 The Air B&B testing phase

11:30pm. The Ledger Building. Poplar. I am in Brockley right now. At least according to my itinerary. That's why I'm calling this my Air B&B testing phase. I'd turned up at tonight's room to find it was next to a busy road.

I stayed there for forty minutes, mostly trying to get internet access. I then left the key on the bed and walked out. I sent the host a polite message explaining the departure in terms of my sensitivity to noise. I hoped she wouldn't take it too personally.

I now had two nights at home to look forward to. If I was lucky, Miguel would return to the house by 1am and the boys would already be upstairs, so I could chill out for a change. I'd been continuing to watch The Tudors on Hetal's recommendation. Every time I saw the opening credits, I was surprised at how overtly smutty they were, even though I'd seen them half a dozen times.

As a teenager, history had been my third favourite subject even without Netflix's dramatisation. Mind you, we did watch Gladiator at one point. That took up three lessons. I'm not sure the teacher had realised how long it was when he let us choose it.

Two nights in that house. On the one hand, I was looking forward to trying out more B&Bs the following week. On the other, the thought of living in so many different places was almost as unsettling as staying put. Maximus had left his job and his house. He'd never made it back to either. That was hardly the point though. He had no choice. For a time, he'd survived and even done coped well in his new life away from his rightful home. By the end of the coming week, I'd have a better idea what that felt like. Hopefully I wouldn't have to fight anyone in the process.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you’ve just gotta fight.

Profound Familiarity said...

I've been a bit short-tempered lately.

Anonymous said...

Ya thank?

Bruno’s partner is not paying rent, ya? Miguel is new enough for you to pull rank.

Last of all, you are bigger.

Profound Familiarity said...

It's kind of you to offer your thoughts. I don't feel as though you quite understand the situation from my perspective but I know you are trying to be helpful.